Relationship advice: we just want to help - spreading the love, like warm butter on toast. (Disclaimer:  we’re musicians, not magicians. Good luck!)

So you’ve gone and done it—fallen in love. First time, or once again or still going strong, it’s a beautiful thing. Sometimes smooth sailing and sometimes, well let’s be nice and call it a rollercoaster ride. If it feels right and worthy of holding on to, there’s a few things The Flaire recommends. May not work for all, but may work for some, so that’s saying something. Not sure what, but we’re going to dish out advice nonetheless.  We’re on a mission to help!

Let’s assume first that you’ve chosen wisely. That you didn’t drop the proverbial bar too low and that when the butterflies settled, this chosen partner has the necessary qualities to be a decent human being. Don’t need perfection, but do need to have a good heart and good head on their shoulders. And good hygiene. For God’s sake, good hygiene.

What do we humbly recommend to you folks in love who want it to last? Besides being really lucky and praying to whatever God you believe in, here’s what we consider the basics.  (Disclaimer:  we’re musicians, not magicians. Good luck!)


**  Be nice.  Be nicer to your partner than to anyone else you know. Even Mom. Yeah, we can see you flinching at that one.

**  Be grateful. Grateful you’re breathing, grateful for your sick sense of humor, grateful for your partner.

**  Be fun. Be the happy place for your partner, their oasis from stormy weather.  The  goofy nutball, with a side of sexy charm.

**  Be yourself.  Be the real deal, honest and trustworthy.  Not the lying, stealing, whining, sack of hot air that your friend has fallen for. Yeah, we can see you flinching at that one.

And with that, we want to wish you much love in your life. Be happy!